Calculate Your Personal Economic Model(PEM)

Provide us with some basic information about your finances to see the risk, taxes and volatility has on your finances, and the impact of a Gondola SafeTankSM to remove that risk:

Please enter your First Name
Please enter your Last Name
Your personal Email Address
Current age or round up within 6 months of birthdate
Full benefit usually begins age 67 or later
Total earned income (not from investors)?
Including taxable brokerage, investment real estate, and private placements
Total estimated value of retirement accounts, such as 401(k), IRA's, and defined benefits
Estimated, if unsure, leave blank. Max is $4,837
Including mortgage payments, debt payments & personal or family expenses
Estimated annual amount of personal & employer 401(k)..(click question mark to expand)
Total liquid funds available on demand
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Personal Economic Model

{First} {Last}, this is your Gondola Personal Economic Model or PEM.

Gondola’s PEM shows you just how much you could save with a Gondola SafeTankSM. The version you see here is a preliminary assessment based on the basic data you provided. It is not an actual model of what could happen, but it is directional and it is designed to illustrate how a Gondola SafeTankSM can help you better prepare for the future by reducing volatility risk and lowering your tax burden.

Volatility Risk:

Based on our analysis you have considerable volatility risk. This means that the outcome of your investments is highly variable.

Your volatility risk is {Assets in Market} representing {Percent Assets In Market} of your total economic potential. The potential variability could be a {Assets after volatility loss} difference in your retirement savings. At a 45% loss, this requires a gain of 82% to make back that money.

Volatility can be a portfolio killer. By moving these dollars to a Gondola SafeTankSM, you stand to remove this potentially catastrophic threat without sacrificing the upside.

Tax Risk:

Based on our analysis, you have considerable exposure to avoidable taxes. To address this you could consider the following:

1. Moving some of your cash {cashSavingsBalance}
2. Moving some of your investments, the {investmentsBalance} sitting in taxable accounts
3. Your total cash & investments available {cashSavingsBalance + investmentsBalance}

If you move these assets to Gondola SafeTankSM, and remove the future tax burden, you have the potential to increase your return by {Tax Efficient Percentage}.

How We Stop Volatility:

These products are contracts where the investor agrees to provide regular installments to fund the account. One type of Gondola SafeTankSM allows the account to grow at a guaranteed rate. The other type has uncapped upside, with variability in the rate of growth, mimicking market-like returns. Products with guaranteed rates tend to grow more slowly but the returns will always be there. Returns on the higher end of the spectrum, do introduce some risk, as the rate of return is tied to the stock market, but the risk exists only in the degree to which the investment grows. In other words, your SafeTank may never lose money but may only grow at differing rates. Disclosure

How We Are Tax-Free:

We have leveraged our deep understanding of investing tools to find a class of investments that are tax-free and maximize an investor's potential return within those investments. We take advantage of Section 7702 in the tax code. It is our knowledge of this section that has allowed us to realize Gondola’s SafeTankSM as tax-free way to save.


Update as of May 9, 2024

Illustrated rates and averages are not an indication of future performance and are not guaranteed.

Regarding the Gondola SafeTankSM No Volatility option, dividends awarded from the company surplus may be paid based on the company's claim, expense, and investment return experience. Dividends are paid at the end of the contract year. They are not guaranteed and are subject to change by the company.

Regarding the Gondola SafeTankSM Low Volatility option, we follow a regulatory illustration concept known as the Benchmark Index Account, which is derived under the following industry consistent approach:

• Looking back at the historical period of S&P 500 index returns (excluding dividends) over the previous 66 years, starting with the current calendar year.

• Incorporating the product's current participation rate, index cap and index floor for the product's account (or equivalent account).  For example, a participation rate may be 100%, with an index cap of 10.5%, and an index floor of 0%.

• Calculating the arithmetic average of all 25-year previous periods of time, inclusive of every trading day throughout this time period (which covers over 10,000 specific points in time).

The information presented does not involve the rendering of personalized investment, financial, legal, or tax advice. This presentation is not an offer to buy or sell, or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any of the financial products mentioned herein.

Certain statements contained herein may constitute projections, forecasts and other forward-looking statements, which do not reflect actual results and are based primarily upon a hypothetical set of assumptions applied to certain historical financial information. Certain information has been provided by third-party sources and, although believed to be reliable, it has not been independently verified and its accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed. Any opinions, projections, forecasts, and forward-looking statements represented herein are valid as of the date of this document and are subject to change.

Indices are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. Index returns do not reflect a deduction for fees or expenses.

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.

How It Works

Gondola MySafeTankSM

Year Age Balance Begining Of Year Salary Contributions Annual Growth Taxes Expenses Social Security Benefit Withdrawals Balance End Of Year

Traditional Savings

Year Age Balance Begining Of Year Salary Contribution Annual Growth Taxes Expenses Social Security Benefit Withdrawals Balance End Of Year
SP500 SP500 Balance WHL No Volatility IUL Low Volatility

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Due to high demand, you are currently on our waitlist to speak with an agent.  We are excited to help you and an agent will reach out to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
